Thursday, May 22, 2014


 This is the toilet built by the sposership from Eltham College. We thank  them, may  God bless them.
It is at the final stage, few days the students will start to use


back view of the toilet
 On the right hand side picture shows the front view of the toilet also there are  water tape for washing hands

Sunday, February 2, 2014


The headmaster of kisasa secondary school on monday anounced that the result of form two is not so bad because only 19 students failed out of 300 students who sits for the exams. Also he mention some of the subjects which the students perform well, these subjects are Kiswahili, Biology, English and Geography also he said it is a wonderful year because six students score A in mathematics also he congratulate to Doricas who got an average of A in all subjects

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Kisasa secondary school has given a support with Eltham College to build the toilet. It is of ten rooms, according to the headmaster of kisasa
secondary school mr. joseph mbilinyi, it will cost more than 17.5millions for buying materals also this toilet will be used by girls only while boys  will still using the former toilet which were using before building these new toilet.

Stages for construction is attached with the pictures

Round septic tank before coverage with cement and gravery sand.

these are rooms for the toilets bised is the rectangle septic tank.


It is more than 20 day since we open the school, we have received 176 form one students from different primary school but 79 are from kisasa primary school , on the picture are some of them, the play tother after the orientation course